Fan of Sleep - White noise generator to help you fall asleep | Product Hunt

Tap, Mix, Sleep 😴

Simple, customizable, white noise fan to help you get a better night’s sleep. Change your color scheme, set the speed, mix in nature sounds & get a great night's sleep!

Download the Fan of Sleep Noise Machine App from the iOS App Store
Fan of Sleep iOS Device
Nature sounds for iOS
Timer button to set a fan timer in the Fan of Sleep iOS app
Color button to change the theme in the Fan of Sleep iOS app
Spinning fan, Fan of Sleep iOS App
Circles around the fan, Fan of Sleep iOS App
Mix nature sounds and fan sounds together with the Fan of Sleep iOS App
Set the fan speed to low on the Fan of Sleep iOS AppSet the fan speed to medium on the Fan of Sleep iOS AppSet the fan speed to high on the Fan of Sleep iOS App
Nature sounds for iOS

Add nature sounds to your box fan mix!

Mix up to six nature sounds alongside the fan noise to create an ultimate sleep mix. Custom volume sliders allow you to fine-tune each sound individually.

Wake up peacefully as the white noise fades away

Set a timer to turn off the white noise to wake up right on time. We slowly fade out the box fan white noise to help you wake up without a blaring alarm.

Timer button to set a fan timer in the Fan of Sleep iOS app

Research shows white noise helps facilitate sleep

Many publications/studies have shown that white/pink noise machines can help you fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer. Couldn't we all use a little more sleep?